The perfect dice set doesn’t exis-
Now introducing Project Kirtrite’s Liquid Core RPG Dice Sets!
–you were saying?
These liquid core RPG dice sets are perfect to immerse any dungeon master, dice goblin, or tabletop roleplaying game player into the realm of magic and wonder. Be captivated as each roll sends the glimmering liquid core swirling like a magic crystal ball or trapped star. With so many colors and designs to choose from, there’s surely a perfect set for every player and style. Each set includes seven hand-crafted, resin cast dice–one D20, one D12, two D10s, one D8, one D6, and one D4–a complete set to deal a ferocious amount of damage or conquer any foe.
No one likes receiving an unlucky fate during a game of Dungeons and Dragons, but the magic and wonder of these beautiful liquid core dice make it an easier pill to swallow. The swirling silvery liquid inside each die is enough to entrance any player as if by a spell, and you may be wondering by the end of your first roll with these mystical dice if they are truly spellcast or resin-cast as we say.
The answer is the secret of the land, you know. We’d have to throw you in the dungeon before we could tell you.
Each dice of every set is perfectly hand-crafted and resin-cast with accents of easily legible numbering. You might choose our elegant magenta liquid core dice with rose gold numbering or perhaps appeal to the darker side of the fates with our dark ice blue liquid core dice with silver numbering or any other colors and styles you can imagine.
Want to take your dice collection a step further than spellbinding liquid cores and crystal balls? Try out our sharp edged dice with moving eyeballs and dragon eyes instead. With those, you and your fellow adventurers really are in for an adventure.
Whether you’re new to the tabletop roleplaying game world, a mighty dungeon master, or a seasoned dice goblin, these Liquid Core RPG Dice Sets are not ones you will want to miss. Go check out our selection now while these wonders are still available!
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